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Newsletter nº34 - February 2024





Moray West components continue to arrive!

Our Moray West project received the first nine 108-meter blades! These are part of the first batch of the 180 total blades that will be arriving from the SGRE Blade Factory located in Hull, a northern United-Kingdom town where they are being manufactured.

Our Moray West project has also collaborated with SGRE for the installation of our project’s two offshore substation platforms, the second one having been installed at the end of last month. 

Our commitment to creating socio-economic opportunities has been proven: the Hull Blade Factory employs over 1,000 people. We believe, and we demonstrate, that our sector is an opportunity for national economies. 

Anything else, you might ask? Well, of course! This month, monopiles installations have continued progressing with another partner joining the party! Aa planned, DEME‘s offshore installation vessel Orion has joined our activity and is also installing monopiles, with its inaugural monopile last week!


Construction progresses on Îles d’Yeu et Noirmoutier project

The construction phase on our îles d’Yeu et Noirmoutier project is progressing, with the group Defontaine Rollix initiating the production of our turbines’ slewing rings.  

Operating at an impressive pace of 15 slewing rings per month, Defontaine Rollix is on track to deliver the first four units out of a total of 183 by the end of March. These crucial components will then embark on their journey to the Siemens Gamesa factory in Le Havre, where they’ll play a vital role in powering the turbines within the park. 

Our partnership with Defontaine Rollix demonstrates the strength of our collaboration with national suppliers, fostering not only economic growth but also community engagement. In fact, the collaboration’s impact goes beyond production figures, with projections suggesting a notable 10% rise in wind energy sales over the next two years. 

We are excited to see how our project delivers a positive impact on the region while progressing in its construction phase!


WindFloat Atlantic, a third year of operating records

Our WindFloat Atlantic project finished its third full year in operation with an electricity production of 80 GWh!

WindFloat Atlantic also closed 2023 breaking more viral records. Storm Ciaran posed unprecedented challenges, with waves reaching a maximum height of 20 metres and wind gusts of up to 139 kilometres per hour.

These extraordinary conditions far surpassed our previous project records, demonstrating the readiness and robustness of the floating technology, even in extreme offshore conditions. This success underscores our confidence in Portugal’s offshore wind potential and in the readiness of floating technology for commercial scale. We are very excited for the auctions expected for this year!

And that’s not all! Our project has also been a hub for innovative solutions and pilots, being a key part for the testing of projects such as ATLANTIS, or Zelim (learn more about it on the article below) and collaborating with the local community, through educational programs, and local activities and sponsorships within Viana do Castelo. 

Simultaneously, the team is also working on environmental management, through pioneer environmental studies conducted in the project’s area, to gather data on the offshore wind impact. 

Congratulations to our Portuguese team, for keeping on breaking records every year! You are setting very high standards😉


Geotechnical Research in the Baltic Sea for our
BC-Wind Project

Our BC-Wind farm project is currently undergoing a geotechnical research campaign conducted by Gardline in the Baltic Sea! Thus far, bathymetry of the farm area and cable corridor has been conducted, providing significant insights into the topography and depths of the seabed! 

Currently, drilling operations are ongoing approximately 23 kilometres offshore, at the level of the municipalities of Krokowa and Choczewo in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. 

Despite technological advancements, conducting research in the Baltic Sea during winter presents challenges! Strong winds and harsh weather conditions sometimes require the interruption of the campaign, with the research vessel seeking shelter in port. Nevertheless, our team and partners remain undeterred in meeting our goals and deadlines.

The scope of our research includes:

  • 19 x seabed cone penetration tests (CPTu) to refusal
  • 37 x down-the-hole cone penetration tests (DtH CPTu) to refusal, including 19 continuation CPTu with drilling to a nominal depth of 60 metres below the seabed
  • 11 x seismic cone penetration tests (Seismic SCPTu) with sampling every 3.0 metres in both seabed and DtH modes
  • 14 x sampling boreholes to a nominal depth of 60 metres below the seabed
  • 3 x P-S logging (geological parameter logging) with a total depth of 60 metres

Along with that, optional work includes additional geotechnical research. The entire campaign will be conducted by the vessels Ocean Vantage, Horizon Geobay, and Horizon Geodiscovery.

The results of these studies will serve as the foundation for further stages of the BC-Wind project!!


Our Bluepoint Wind project has just reached another milestone!

On February 14, 2024, the project successfully completed its offshore geotechnical and geophysical survey campaign! Over the course of this survey campaign, the Bluepoint Wind team successfully conducted over 780 vessel working days with 0 lost time incidents. 

This included the use of 12 vessels ranging from scout vessels to large geotechnical vessels that surveyed just over 24,000 kilometres in water depths ranging from 4 – 65 meters!

This important work helps our team build a better understanding of our project Lease Area, potential cable routes, and the near-shore conditions, crucial for developing our offshore wind projects in a thoughtful way and making informed decisions on the project design.

Two of our Bluepoint Wind team members, Sanoli Boucher and Julio Guerrero Huertas, were also able to join the survey team in offshore safety trainings and even spent two weeks offshore on our survey vessels! 

And that wasn’t all!! Our Bluepoint team also spent Valentine’s Day engaging with its local community, joining their local partner United Way of Greater Newark to volunteer and show love to the local Newark community by serving at Newark Emergency Services for Families (NESF).
It is great to see our projects continue advancing in the development process as we work towards a clean energy transition powered by offshore wind. Congratulations to the Bluepoint Wind team on this exciting achievement!

New OW’s website to unlock Spanish opportunities!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Ocean Winds website, focusing on our development activities in Spain, a pivotal step in our commitment to bolstering Spain’s offshore wind energy landscape and positioning OW at the forefront of upcoming tenders.

At Ocean Winds, we stand poised to spearhead the next phase of offshore wind energy development in Spain. Our newly launched website serves as a comprehensive platform encapsulating our dedication to innovation, reliability, and stakeholder engagement.

What will you find on this new OW website?

  • OW international expertise and highlights: Explore in-depth details about Ocean Winds Spain’s initiatives, projects, and contributions to the offshore wind energy sector.
  • OW vision for Spain: Discover our strategic vision for the country which is focused on floating technology due to the sea depth around the country.
  • OW’s leading position in floating:  Learn about Ocean Winds’ experience with floating technology, being pioneers and leaders in the sector.
  • OW’s commitments and impact: Discover our commitment to fostering a sustainable industry and supply chain in Spain, fisheries coexistence, technological advancements, and community engagement through compelling stories and updates.
  • Latest news and developments: Access valuable resources, news and insights section, designed to keep stakeholders informed about our strategies, goals, and progress in Spain, as well as key developments in offshore wind.

The Ocean Winds for Spain website will serve as an indispensable tool as we navigate the evolving landscape of offshore wind energy tenders in Spain. It highlights our expertise, track record, and commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that align with the nation’s energy objectives.

Through this website, we aim to solidify our position as a reliable partner, innovator, and contributor to Spain’s renewable energy ambitions. Our emphasis on sustainability, technological advancements, and fostering corporate stakeholder engagement in the country where we are headquartered underscores our dedication to driving positive change within the Spanish energy sector.

Visit our new website at to explore our vision, initiatives, and the role we aim to play in shaping Spain’s renewable energy future!

If you have any questions, inputs, or news to share, please contact the OW Corporate Communications Team!

Picture of the month

Monopile Installation at Moray West by DEME!

Events of the month

An eventful month: our journey through engagements!

Our team has been present and participating at key international events over this month!

The OW team assisted to the PFI Awards Gala, where OW was awarded the Global Sponsor of the Year Award and the European Power Deal of the Year Award with our Moray West project! 

We were truly grateful for this recognition, a testament to our collective efforts at OW after our successful financing endeavours, securing investment of 7.4 billion euros for the Moray West, Dieppe-Le Tréport, and îles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier projects in 2023. But these awards not only celebrate our achievements, but also acknowledge the skills, professionalism, and passion of the entire OW team. Thanks to each one of you for your dedication and contribution to our success!

This month we were also active in Spain! Our Spanish Director, Manuel Fernandez, participated in a key event to foster the development of our sector and the industry in the country, Eólica y Mercado, organised by AEE. We had the opportunity to state OW’s belief on the importance of having the new Spanish regulation without delay, which would allow the national offshore wind market and industry to move forward and establish the first auction in the Canary Islands this year, where we have been working with our partner Disa since 2021, to develop floating wind projects in the region.

And next month, we will be present at Wind Europe 2024, one of the industry’s key events!! As Floating Content Partner, we’ll have a significant presence, featuring across various panels and discussions, well represented by members of our team, like COO, Grzegorz Gorski, Chief ECPI Officer, Oscar Diaz, and our Country Manager for South Iberia, Jose Pinheiro. We’re looking forward to engaging with the key industry leaders, sharing our unique experience and insights, and contributing to the dialogue on the future of wind energy in the European region. 

Stay tuned for updates on our participation and key contributions at OW events!


OW promoting innovative technology solutions to enhance safety offshore

OW has partnered with Zelim, a UK-based startup specializing in search and rescue solutions to develop a pilot project to test an AI-enabled person overboard detection software for OW offshore wind farms.

Zelim’s AI-enabled person detection technology, known as ZOE, aims to anticipate safety issues on our wind farms, even in harsh maritime conditions, by identifying individuals overboard and other objects such as vessels approaching the windfarm. Once one of these is detected, the system will automatically alert the windfarm operation and maintenance control centre in real-time, enhancing safety for technicians and assets working in offshore environments.

Our role has been key, as this software is currently being trialled at WindFloat Atlantic in a pilot project. The main goals of the project are to apply the system to the cameras installed offshore in two of the floating foundations and continuously monitor the surroundings of the windfarm. This will allow to train and improve the ZOE detection models whilst proving its capability as an efficient way of improving safety and security at OW.

We are very proud to collaborate with pioneer projects that emphasize our commitment to increase safety and health standards for our workers, whilst implementing innovative solutions!We look forward to seeing how this innovative project progresses!

Our Innovation Strategy has been updated!

Earlier this month, the OW Management Team approved an update of I the Ocean Winds’ Innovation Strategy.

As a part of this update, we have crafted a definition of innovation for OW. At Ocean Winds, this is what we understand by innovation:

Using knowledge or ideas that is/are new to OW to solve an identified problem, need or challenge of a specific person or group (either internal or external to OW), with the end-goal of helping OW increase revenues, improve reputation, increase safety of people, save money, or reduce risks.

In line with this definition, it is inferred that we consider it innovation if, and only if, the following conditions are all satisfied:

  • It is new for OW (regardless of whether other people/companies are doing it already).
  • It creates value for OW (value can come in many forms: money, reputation, savings, safety, risk reduction…).
  • It creates value for the internal or external user/customer/problem owner, by helping them to solve a problem they have.

Furthermore, on this update, we have updated the technology section to include an exhaustive list of technological needs that different departments at OW have identified as priority during an exercise carried out with them for the past months. 

These identified priorities will serve as a guide for the I&E Team to look for innovative solutions that could potentially help solve the evolving challenges and opportunities that OW is facing. With this update, we aim to continue fostering innovation within OW. 

You can access the new Innovation Strategy HERE. Stay tuned for more updates!


New OW Corporate Personnel Protective Equipment!

At OW, the safety of our employees comes first!

Our corporate HSSEQ team has developed a standard that specifies the minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) that corporate employees should wear when visiting a project site, a manufacturing facility or making prospect site visits to ports, onshore cable routes, or potential land plots for OW projects.

In advance of your visit, please check if PPE will be available for you at the relevant site or if you need to bring your own PPE, requesting it through the Service Desk link included in the HSSEQ SharePoint:

  • Once the purchase request has been approved by your manager, the supplier will be automatically notified to proceed with the delivery.
  • When the requested equipment is supplied to you, the system will send you a notification to register the delivery of the PPE. Each department is responsible for managing the corresponding purchasing orders and the right invoicing process.

If you have any doubts, you can find the PPE Instruction and all the details in the HSSEQ SharePoint.

Thank you for your collaboration in ensuring health and safety at OW!


“People Meet People” Training

In the 2023 Engagement Survey Action Plan we committed to working on improving the internal communication of OW’s Employee Value Proposition, as well as increasing the transparency of People related processes. For this purpose, in January 2024 the People team launched the “People Meet People” initiative.

In January and February, the People team travelled more than 16,000 kilometres, visited 6 geographical areas, and carried out 20 sessions, reaching more than 80% of the teams, to, in a direct and transparent way, improve employees’ knowledge of OW, its organization, and People related processes. 

The feedback received from these sessions has been excellent. This initiative confirms that OW listens to the concerns and areas for improvement that people feedback on in the Engagement Surveys, which translate into initiatives that have a true impact on the Organization.

We would like to thank you all for participating in these training sessions!