Ocean Winds (responsible for delivering Scotland’s largest operational windfarm, 950MW Moray East) has unveiled two yellow ocean-winds branded Edinburgh trams to mark the announcement of its revolutionary use one of its Scotwind Bids (W1 – The Hebridean Offshore Windfarm) to create a £300m ‘gateway’ for the establishment of steel fabrication industry for offshore wind in Scotland.
- The tram, carrying full yellow Ocean Winds Branding was unveiled at a photo-opportunity Haymarket Tram Interchange, illustrating the transition to net zero by linking offshore wind with transport,
- A document was published, outlining proposals to make ScotWind Site W1 a ‘Special Case’ to facilitate a minimum £300m investment by OW to attract a global steel manufacturer to establish a quayside fabrication facility for large diameter steel turbine components in Scotland.

Dan Finch, Ocean Winds UK Managing Director said:
“The Scottish Government has set clear ambitions for offshore wind: high skill – high value manufacturing jobs. By capping the seabed lease auction prices in Scotwind, they have matched that ambition with a financial commitment. Money which would otherwise rest on Government coffers can be used by developers to make early investments in the supply chain.
“Ocean Winds is ready for this challenge. We have declared our bid for W1 – The Hebridean Offshore Windfarm – a special case – a gateway for steel fabrication. We will construct the 1.8GW site using XXL monopiles, creating a major market opportunity for large diameter steel section, both for towers and foundations.
“As a result of two dynamics – the move to deeper water, and the move to larger turbines – a major market opportunity is emerging, both in Scotland and the rest of the UK for large diameter steel section, which cannot currently be manufactured in this country.
“This will provide a pipeline of future work for the fabrication facility whose establishment we will facilitate.
“Ocean Winds is not a steel fabricator, but we are at the top of the offshore wind supply chain, and have relationships with the global companies who are. Our experience delivering Moray East means we know what is needed for supply chain success, and we intend to incentivise their establishment of a factory in Scotland with four major commitments:
- Investment in a modern quayside, deep water maufacturing site with modern handling facilities
- Incentivisation to attract one of the world’s leading fabricators to establish a factory in Scotland
- Investment of minimum £300m to establish the facility
- A first order, from delivery of the Hebridean Offshore windfarm, which will require more than 100 turbines and monopiles
Concluding, Finch said:
“In the Moray Firth, we left a legacy of low cost, low carbon power. With The Hebridean Offshore Windfarm we will add to that legacy with a competitive manufacturing facility, in the right place, with the right facilities, making the right product to take best opportunity of the offshore wind market, regardless of how it develops. We just need the sea-bed to do it.”
? Learn more about our purposed plan: Ocean Winds (hebrideanoffshorewind.com)