Ocean Winds announces the winner of its educational programme “Wind Experts” in schools in Poland

• Wind Experts is an educational programme for future generations that aims to raise awareness of climate change and of the important role they can play as part of the solution to this global challenge.

• Ocean Winds chose Poland edition of this international programme, which has also taken place in Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

• Once the training sessions finished, the pupils took part in a competition that saw Ocean Winds award a prize to the school that produced the most innovative wind turbine using recycled materials.

• In Poland, the most interesting films were prepared by seventh-grade students of Elementary School No. 84 in Gdansk.

Gdańsk, 11 September 2023. Ocean Winds (OW), (50:50 joint venture between EDP Renováveis and ENGIE) a International company specialising in offshore wind energy generation, has chosen Gdańsk, Poland to hold the first edition of its “Wind Experts” educational programme, as part of its commitment to social investment in future generations and the regions where it operates.

This programme aims to raise awareness of climate change in 5th and 6th grade primary school pupils and highlight the benefits of using renewable energies such as offshore wind energy as part of the solution.

During the “Wind Experts” programme, two educational sessions were held using state-of-the-art interactive resources that allow students to actively participate in different topics to raise awareness of global environmental problems and promote the implementation of local solutions, such as renewable energies.