- Ports are key infrastructure to unlock offshore wind energy opportunities in Brazil. Ocean Winds and PRUMO are joining forces to conduct the necessary studies to enable the efficient development of offshore wind energy projects in Brazil.
- The collaboration for shared knowledge and joint work was signed between Ocean Winds and PRUMO, through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), during GWEC’s Brazil Wind Power event in Sao Paulo.
Ocean Winds (OW), international company dedicated to offshore wind energy and created as a 50-50 joint venture in 2020 by EDP Renewables and ENGIE global, and PRUMO LOGÍSTICA , a key player in the logistics and infrastructure sector in Brazil, have joined forces through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that underscores their commitment to driving forward offshore wind energy initiatives in the country. The MoU was formalized today with the signature between Bautista Rodriguez, CEO of Ocean Winds, and Mauro Andrade, Director of New Business at Prumo, during the first day of the prestigious Brazil Wind Power event, slated for September 12, 2023, therefore solidifying their shared vision for the future of offshore wind energy in Brazil at a time when the country aims to have the industry’s legal framework by the end of the year.
The partnership will enable the exchange of pertinent information relating to the studies aimed at scrutinizing an offshore wind energy project within the sphere of influence of the Port of Açu. OW and PRUMO are committed to increasing their respective operations and optimizing outcomes as a result of this collaboration. This joint effort entails the execution of different studies critical for offshore wind energy projects, such as environmental or regulatory, coupled with evaluations of financial and technical viability.
For Mauro Andrade, Director of New Business at Prumo, this partnership highlights that the Porto do Açu is the best location in the country for the installation of these projects. ‘Signing this agreement with OW demonstrates that we are advancing towards our goal of making Açu the primary hub for installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance for offshore wind farms in the Southeast Region. The proximity to future offshore wind farms, the logistics and existing maritime support at the port, which already serves the oil and gas industry and will also serve the offshore wind segment, as well as the establishment of the value chain with turbines, wind blades, cables, and towers, will make Porto do Açu the most competitive infrastructure to serve this emerging industry.”
Rafael Munilla, Chief Business Development Officer of Ocean Winds, said: “This collaboration emphasizes both OW and PRUMO’s resolute commitment to advancing the offshore sector in Brazil through the most effective and optimised processes for projects and ports. This partnership also underscores OW dedication to fostering a new and sustainable industry’s growth in the country, encouraging local opportunities and economic growth through a collaboration with a key stakeholder and company within Brazil, such as PRUMO.”
With a more than 10 years track record, inherited from its sponsors, currently operating 1.5 GW, building 2 GW and developing with exclusive rights more than 13 GW of offshore wind power worldwide, Ocean Winds works with ports early on in the development of the industry to guarantee their readiness for the future opportunities. For bottom-fixed wind energy projects – ideal for Brazil – ports play a central role. They serve as entry and storage points for the equipment, facilitate assembly and maintenance before offshore transport, and act as hubs for crew transfers and ongoing operations. Given that the port element within the development of offshore wind energy is pivotal, Ocean Winds and PRUMO will focus on the optimization of port facilities through the completion of required studies.